Memento - Bonfire

Title:  Memento - Bonfire

Material:  ply wood

Dimensions:  approximate 5 or 6" diameter circle x ¾” in.


Artist Statement:

I chose to use wood because it reminds me of the bonfire, it always brought me adventure and priceless memory since my childhood and even now, I always enjoy the bonfire around with my family and friends in couple of places which is backyard at my family friend’s house in North Fairfield Ohio, and on Key Waden island in Naples/Marco Island. I always enjoy watching and look around bonfire under the stars and moon! So that’s why I wanted to make a bonfire as my memento project.

picture process:

I drew draft diagram.


 First thing I cut plywood 5 in diameter and sanded whole thing. Then I used drill machine to make a hole deep maybe about ¼ deep inside of maybe 3-inch diameter of 5 diameter and sanded it. Then I used wood burner to burn some line marks around the circle. And last I used soft pastel black and orange to fill inside of circle.


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