Balsa wood Sculprures
Title: Tower Masking Tapes with abstract white paper
- balsa wood
- white watercolor paper
- black ink
- straight pins
- black thread
- masking tapes
Artist Statement:
I used line and shape to communicate because I want to create raw and organic feeling for this artwork. I wanted to build organic, abstract raw materials without draw diagram first.
In picture process:
I found some scrap masking tapes and decided to build as tower with straight pins and masking tapes on balsa wood as base. I used black ink on watercolor white paper and then I sewed black thread loop on edge of the paper and then fold diagonal circle and put it top of masking tape.
Title: Geometry abstract table
- balsa wood
- wood stick
- black ink
- straight pins
- black thread
- wood glue
Artist Statement:
I chose to use wood because I feel so raw and organic feeling that I can created the abstract way which I never have been before in my life as power and creative feeling on this sculpture.
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