Touch - Animals
Touch - Animals I have two black cats, they have different shape and fur such as one cat name is Bo, he has thick fur and long tail, and it is big and heavy cat. Another cat name Ty, he has flurry fur, and it is little chubby and light weight. They both have soft and different texture fur When either of them jumps on my bed and then walk to me while I was asleep. When I touched cat’s face and its tail with my eyes closed, I know which one I can identify. One morning I was sleeping, my cat jumped, and constant walked over my body and then tapped me to woke me up because it heard someone at the door knocked and rang door bell. They know I can’t hear and they act as watchdog for me. They are so cute and funny. I always feel enjoy being with them around my house. I am cat person! I also love animals! Since I know every cats and humans have variety characters or shapes as unique, but they have good touch senses in their own way, and It amazes me becaus...